Category Archives: Vmware

Force Vmware VM to boot from CD

Edit the machine settings: Go to Options tab, select Boot Options, and then Force BIOS Setup: In the BIOS go to “Boot” tab, Then stand on the “CD-ROM Drive” and hit the “+” in the keyboard to get the CD-ROM … Continue reading

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Unable to contact the specified host

Vmware converter -  P2V error : “Unable to contact the specified host; The host is not available…”   Check the following:   1. Ports: Open ports between the convertor server to the Source computer – 445, 139, 9089 or 9090 … Continue reading

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VMware: ESXi requires the Execute Disable/No Execute CPU feature to be enabled – HP DL360 G5

Error: While installing Esxi 5.5  I received the following warning message: “The system has found a problem on your machine and cannot continue. VMware ESXi requires the Execute Disable/No Execute CPU feature to be enabled” Solution: 1.Restart the host 2. … Continue reading

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Use PowerCLI to Backup and Restore ESXi Host Configuration

The following post will guide you through the steps necessary to backup Esxi host configuration with PowerCLI Steps : 1. first you need to download the vSphere PowerCLI – installer 2. Open Powershell and Type: Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core Or, for all … Continue reading

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