Error – ” Federation information could not be received from the external organization”

Error – ” Federation information could not be received from the external organization”

The Hybrid configuration wizard is failed with the following error: ” Federation information could not be received from the external organization”




in my case the wsSecurity was disabled, after enabling the wsSecurity the problem was solved.

Follow this steps:

1. Check if theย  in the wsSecurity is enabled or disable :

go to Exchange2010 Powershell and type : Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Server exch2010 | fl *where “exch2010” is your exchange2010 server name check if the WSSecurityAuthentication:$false


2.ย  Enable the WSSecurityAuthentication: In the Exchange2010 Powershell type : Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Server exch2010 | Set-autodiscoverVirtualDirectory -WSSecurityAuthentication:$true

*where “exch2010” is your exchange2010 server name

Now try to run the wizard again. ๐Ÿ™‚


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