How to create distribution lists in office 365

There are two ways to send  email to multiple address (Group) with Office 365

1. Create a Distribution group

2. Create a Transport rule

In this article i will show you how to do them both

 1. How to Create Distrinution Group with Office 365

  • connect to the cloud with a cloud administrator credentials
  • On the admin  page stand on  Admin Overview  – under – Office 365Exchange- click on Manage



  • A new IE tab will open
  • Under –User & groupsDistribution groupsNew

























  • Fill the fields (field in bold are mandatory)
    • Display name: name of your distribution list
    • Alias: alias of your distribution list
    • Email address: email address of your distribution list.
    • Make this group a security group: do not enable this option. If you enable this, you will be able to use the distribution list as a security group for granting access to SharePoint site for example
    • Owners: owner(s) of this distribution list.
    • Membership: add here all users which must be part of the distribution list
    • Membership approval: allow you to define how new member requests are managed; anyone can join without approval, no one can join except if the owners add the user account or an approval is required


  • Click Save


























2. How to Create a transport rule for distribution lists with Office 365 :

  • connect to the cloud with a cloud administrator credentials
  • On the admin  page stand on  Admin Overview  – under – Office 365Exchange- click on Manage


  • A new IE tab will open
  • In the new tab – under -Mail control -Rules – New




  •  press on if and choose “The recipient is..” and find the recipient
  • add the recipient and click OK
























  •  Press on Do the following and choose “Redirect the massage to.. “
  • Select the members and click OK


















  • click Save










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One Response to How to create distribution lists in office 365

  1. Fulgenzio Siciliano says:

    Thanks for your nice experience to share with us. Really awesome article with plenty of informative things to be known for us.

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