Add New exchange 2010 certificate – from CA

On your Exchange Server, Open the Management Console then from Server Configuration, Click on “New Exchange Certificate”

Enter A name for your Certificate, then click Next

Leave the ” Enable Wildcard Certificate ” un-checked, then click Next

Select the services that this exchange certificate will handle.


*Add or remove names -by clicking on the green Plus sign Add Or remove by selecting the name and click on the x sign


Click Next.

Enter Organization and Location Data. 

Specify where the Certificate Request will be saved


Click Next,  Then Click New

Exchange will start creating the Certificate Request

When Completed , Click Finish


Open CA web page using an Internet Browser,   For Example   http://caserver/CertSrv     Then click on ” Request a Certificate ” Link

Then Click on Advanced Certificate Request

Then Click on ” Submit a Certificate Request ”

Open the Certificate Request file you created in Exchange With Notepad  Select all Text

Paste the text into the webpage, and select ” Web Server ” from the Certificate Template list, Then Click Submit.

Select Base 64 Encoded,  then click on Download Certificate Chain.

Save the certificate

On The Exchange Server:

From the Exchange Management Console –> Server Configuration,choose the  the certificate you requested and Click on Complete Pending Request

Select the Certificate you downloaded from the CA, then Click Complete

Right click on the Certificate, select Assign services to certificate

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