Error message when you try to connect to Office 365 Forest with Exchange Management Shell (EMS) or Exchange Management Console (EMC): "The WinRM client… cannot determine the content type of the HTTP response from the destination computer"

In my case I add a problem to connect to Office365 forest with my domain credentials .

When trying to connect to Office365 Forest using EMC with my admin onmicrosoft ( user it worked fine.

When trying to connect to Office365 Forest using EMC by checking the “Logon with default credentials” :


I got the following error :


When trying to write my user name and password in the domain , I got the following error :



Solution :

The solution was very simple , all I had to do is to write my full domain User Principal name (UPN) : and it worked

* If you are still getting the same error , try to follow this article :


Good luck Smile

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